Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Magic Itemization: Smoke Bombs and Sip Tests

In reviewing my entry in his Wavestone Keep contest, Bryce Lynch raised an interesting question.

“I note an interesting thing while going over this: the one time magic item. What do you do with these in your game? A longsword with a one time use smoke bomb in the hilt, or a bottle of whiskey thatinduces vomiting … the ensuing vomit instantly hardening like a web spell. These sem, to me, like things that are to use in game in practice. How do you figure out what to do without voiding the magic items usefulness or communicate the effect in such a way it can be leveraged? Otherwise you’re just moria-gulping potions at random when you’re out food and hoping something good happens.”

Smoke Bomb

This is worth considering on a few levels.

First, it is an example of how writing an adventure (or any gaming “tool”) reveals all kinds of assumptions we can easily gloss over when preparing material only for our own use. I have always used a lot of single-use items, and I usually describe them in a way that gives the PCs a good idea of what to expect before they’re used. 

For the sword with the smoke bomb in the hilt, I would describe a glass sphere swirling with smoke. If the character had a relevant background (for example, they were a thief) I might say they recognize this sort of device from past experience. Likewise, with the whiskey, I might also link to a character’s past or background, or use the “sip” rule wherein imbibable magic can be intuited by taste, without consuming it. Admittedly, the weird effect of the whiskey is a bit of a stretch (a retch stretch?) to plausibly anticipate. I may have gone too far in a few places.

But that's all my own internalized adjudication techniques. None of it is on the page, available for the purchaser to use. Which means its a blind spot that needs to be accounted for when creating something for publication.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

D&D Reduced to Just Three Mechanics

How weird does D&D 5E get if you strip it down to just three mechanics? 

I am talking about a Lasers and Feelings-style one-page RPG, with just three mechanics, all drawn from my grand list of D&D 5E mechanics. I rolled randomly, and these were my results.

  • 28 Feats and Boons
  • 15 Conditions and Exhaustion
  • 49 Proficiencies (Armor, Tool, Weapon, Skill, Saving Throw)

OK, not as weird as I feared.

Proficiencies can be gained through advancement, but most of them are things characters get at character creation. I think of this as a loadout mechanic. 

Conditions and exhaustion are complications and drawbacks. Perhaps in this game there is no HP, wounds, or death system; characters simply acquire conditions until they are fully out of danger, or until those conditions pile up such that they are incapacitated and out of action.

Feats and boons are methods of advancement. Clearly we’re dealing with a classless system. Rather than more HP or spell slots, feats and boons tie into the proficiencies, improving or building upon them in some way.

Rogue-Like Dungeon Delver

This is a rogue-like dungeon-delver. You are a dungeon raid manager, who assembles teams of junior adventurers to raid a dungeon. You start with a pool of meeple adventurers. You get a bunch of hirelings with one random proficiency, a handful of henchmen with two random proficiencies, and a few heroes with three random proficiencies. 

You assess the dangers of the next dungeon in some structured fashion (maybe a "20 questions" game). You then pick a team based on the proficiencies you think will be most useful in meeting that challenge. This game would require some testing to ensure the player can anticipate what tools are right for the job. Proficiency in constitution saving throws is clear for tackling a dungeon full of monsters that cause the poisoned condition. Other proficiencies are less obvious in their application. 

The more accurate your assessments, the more successful your delve is, and the more feats and boons the adventurers earn after they come back. If your guesses were off the mark, they come back with various conditions or levels of exhaustion (if they come back at all). If this happens, they’re unavailable for one or more subsequent dungeon raids, and your pool of options is smaller for those explorations.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Charmed Guard

Previously: Dealing with Evil Adventurers

A typical scenario in fantasy TTRPGs: low-level PCs need to gain entry to the palace. The guard will not let them in. The PCs use some minor enchantment magic to get past the guard. The guard is later confronted by their incredulous superior. The superior decides this is some kind of inexplicable lapse in judgment from the previously reliable guard, and punishes them accordingly. The PCs chortle at the chaos they've sown and move on.

DMs tend to treat NPCs as rubes unaware that magic exists. And some number of rube NPCs is probably a good idea. Commoners, tradesfolk, and castle guards are not going to be proficient in Arcana or know the ins and outs of specific spells. But with the exception of explicitly low-magic settings, regular people would be very aware that when something really weird happens, magic should be considered as a possible explanation. And organizations should respond in a way that demonstrates this awareness, so that the DM can create credible challenges for the PCs.

When something really bizarre happens, or someone does something completely out of character, NPCs should seek to gather as much information as they can. Outsiders will always be scrutinized because they have a short track record, especially if they are ostentatious or conspicuous adventuring PCs (heavily armed, magic-wielding groups usually including non-local non-humans should almost always be assumed to be conspicuous unless they are going to considerable lengths to be inconspicuous). PCs will be, at best, asked many questions and watched. At worst, they may face all kinds of harassment and scrutiny just for being people reasonably capable of disrupting normal life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Dealing with Evil Adventurers

Adventurers are generally a positive force for society. But those who don't have society's best interest at heart pose a serious danger. 

A community threatened by adventurers reacts the same as a community threatened by monsters. It seeks to endure, survive, and prevent recurrence. Villagers will avoid confronting murder-hobo adventurers directly once they've demonstrated they're more powerful than ordinary bandits. The villagers will flee and disperse. But they will also remember everything they learned about the PCs; how they looked, what they said, where they came from. If they can grab a scrap of clothing or spent ammunition, it might be enough to  use later to clue a diviner into the person's identity and whereabouts.

Adventurer Insurance

Merchants, landowners, and others with sufficient wealth band together in mutual protection insurance groups. Everyone in the group pays a fixed amount yearly, and if one of them was robbed by adventurers, the group uses the fund to hire their own adventurers to find the criminals. The group publishes the names of fund participants in newspapers (or equivalent means of dissemination) to notify adventurers that it would be a bad idea to rob them. 

Charitable associations extend this protection to those who can't afford to form their own associations. These groups share information to improve divination and early identification efforts. In a high magic setting, particularly reckless adventurers would eventually find themselves the subject of repeated scry-and-die attempts, or even sleep deprivation attritional assassination by a warlock with the Dream spell.

Chromatic Dragon Types as Developmental Stages

We are inspired once again by one of my favorite worldbuilding blog posts . What happens if we discover that the classic colors of the chrom...